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The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
online ke zhlédnutí

  • Thriller, Akčný, Kriminálny
  • 1974

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The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

📅 Rok natočenia: 1974
🌎 Krajina pôvodu: US
🎭 Žáner: Thriller, Akčný, Kriminálny
🎬 Dĺžka: 104 minút
⭐ Hodnotenie: 75% (512 hodnotenie)

The Taking of Pelham One Two Three obsazení - Herci a tvůrci

Walter Matthau

Walter Matthau

Lt. Garber
Robert Shaw

Robert Shaw

Martin Balsam

Martin Balsam

Hector Elizondo

Hector Elizondo

Earl Hindman

Earl Hindman

James Broderick

James Broderick

Denny Doyle

Časté dotazy a zajímavosti

V ktorom roku bol film The Taking of Pelham One Two Three natočený?

Film The Taking of Pelham One Two Three bol natočený v roku 1974.

Aká je dĺžka filmu The Taking of Pelham One Two Three?

Film The Taking of Pelham One Two Three trvá 104 minút.

Kto hrá vo filme The Taking of Pelham One Two Three?

Vo filme The Taking of Pelham One Two Three hrajú Walter Matthau (Lt. Garber), Robert Shaw (Blue), Martin Balsam (Green), Hector Elizondo (Grey), Earl Hindman (Brown), James Broderick (Denny Doyle), Dick O'Neill (Correll), Lee Wallace (The Mayor), Tom Pedi (Caz Dolowicz), Beatrice Winde (Mrs. Jenkins), Jerry Stiller (Lt. Rico Patrone), Nathan George (Ptl. James), Rudy Bond (Police Commissioner), Kenneth McMillan (Borough Commander), Doris Roberts (Mayor's Wife), Julius Harris (Inspector Daniels), Cynthia Belgrave (The Maid), Anna Berger (The Mother), Gary Bolling (The Homosexual), Carol Cole (The Secretary), Alex Colon (The Delivery Boy), Joe Fields (The Salesman), Mari Gorman (The Hooker), Michael Gorrin (The Old Man), Thomas La Fleur (The Older Son), Maria Landa (The Spanish Woman), Louise Larabee (The Alcoholic), George Lee Miles (The Pimp), Carolyn Nelson (Coed #1), Eric O'Hanian (The Younger Son), Lucy Saroyan (Coed #2), William Snickowski (The Hippie), Barry Snyder (The W.A.S.P.), Walter Jones (Mr. Mattson), Jerry Holland (Bud Carmody), Robert Weil (Marino), Penny Krompier (T.A. Secretary), Christopher Murney (Dispatcher), Timothy Meyers (Plumber), Ruth Attaway (Mayor's Nurse), Thomas Barbour (T.A. Chairman), Marvin Silbersher (Comptroller), Neil Brooks Cunningham (Ptl. Miskowsky), Sal Viscuso (Ptl. O'Keefe), Tony Fasce (Ptl. Wentworth), Burtt Harris (Ptl. Ricci), Gene Gross (Muscat), Walter Lott (Executive On Train), Conrad Yama (Mr. Tomashita), Sho Onodera (Mr. Matsumoto), Tura Nakamura (Mr. Nakabashi), Toru Nagai (Mr. Yashimura), Rowena Rollins (Angry Woman), Joseph Attles (Angry Man), Willis Pinkett (Towerman), Michelle Matthow (T.A. Receptionist), Isabella Hoopes (Woman On Platform), Bill Cobbs (Man on Platform), Jim Pelham (Subway Guard), Joe Seneca (Police Sergeant), Gino Gennaro (Police Lieutenant), Carmine Foresta (Train Expediter), Tony Roberts (Warren LaSalle).

Ako sledovať The Taking of Pelham One Two Three online?

Film The Taking of Pelham One Two Three môžete sledovať online cez niekoľko streamovacích platforiem, ako je Apple TV a Google Play Movies. Prosím, overte si dostupnosť pořadu The Taking of Pelham One Two Three v rámci vášho predplatného na konkrétnej platforme.

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